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Antenna Direttiva

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Build your own 2.4Ghz 15dbi Yagi

I recently obtained an old Aironet 2.4Ghz 15dbi Yagi. Instinctively, my first thought was to take it apart and measure everything. I've seenpictures of these types of antennas before, but no one seems to have anysort of accurate measurements. Here, you will find exact measurements (well,as exact as can be with Vernier Calipers) that will allow you to make a copyof this antenna.

Here's some pictures of the antenna:

Assembled antenna
Still assembled... not for long

Overview of disassembled antenna
Disassembled view

More detailed pic of the driven element
Driven element close up 1

Another more detailed pic of the driven element
Driven element close-up 2

Another detailed pic of the driven element
Driven element close-up 3

I traced the outline of the antenna on paper to make a quick and dirty diagram for recording measurements. Here's the details.

Technical Drawing preview

Choose Image Size: Big (1398 x 329)

Some clarifications to the diagram:

  • All dimensions are in mm.

  • The main part of the antenna is a 1/2" plastic dowel with holes drilled through it, and metal rods (the elements) inserted into the holes

  • All of the rods are 3.3mm thick

  • The driven element is a loop 50 mm wide by 17 mm high made from 4 mm wide by 1 mm thick metal.

Loop Details:

After much demand, I decided to take another look at the loop part and see if there was a way to get at it for better inspection, measuring, and imaging. Well, as it turns out, like most things assembled on an assembly line, there is an easy way to do it. It's only held in by a couple dabs of hot glue and the tie wraps hold the wire back. After cutting the tie wraps and wiggling the loop a bit, it came out. What it looks like is quite surprising:

Loop Detail Pic Small

Choose Image Size: Medium (585 x 631)

Some clarifications on the loop:

  • The circumfrence of the loop (from where it's full width around to the other side where it's full width, in other words, not counting the 2 skinny parts that connect to the coax) is 12cm.
  • The circumfrence around the entire loop (from point back to the same point) is 12.5cm.

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